Our most important goal is to create great quality products. We want our items to make you happy. That starts when you are ordering and it only gets better when the postman arrives at your doorstep with a package for you.
That is why we pay a lot of attention to our packaging. And this is something we do together with Tromp Print & Packaging. But how do we make sure you get a nice package? You can read it here!
A solid box
One of the most important things when it comes to sending packages of course is the box. This has to be solid, we do not want your gear to get damaged. That is why we chose a solid box that is made out of paper and therefore easy to recycle. Let us mind the environment!
A modern and chic look
Just like our clothing and accessories our box has to fit our style. That is why we chose a modern and trendy design for it. We offer clothing in our Haute Streetwear style, so that is exactly what our packages have to represent. And the product itself also must be beautifully placed when opening the box.
A present to buy, get or give
How nice is it to make a present out of every order! Getting things delivered in a beautiful package with eye for every detail always makes us happy. In the end you are buying a present, whether it is for yourself of for someone else. Our goal is to give you, our customer, a happy feeling.
Our partner Tromp Print & Packaging onderstands that very well and has helped us and gave advice while choosing the right package. Would you like to receive a nice present from Fifth & Francis? Then order your shirt or cap quickly and let the fun begin!
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