Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

General terms and conditions of Fifth & Francis

Welcome. We are from Rotterdam. That means we are open and honest . We do as we say, and say what we do.

On our pages ‘Information’ en ‘Complaints and Return’ you find all important information. But we are also obliged to use general terms and conditions and place them on our website for you.

That is why you can clearly read what terms there are for you and for us when you shop online with us. We also follow the rules of Nederlandse Thuiswinkel Organisatie. That guarantees honest shopping and also that we take your rights into account. You can find the extensive rules and rights in the Terms and Conditions of the trustmark. Or you can download the PDF: download pdf.

Below we explain in our own words:

1 The Company

This are our company data:

Fifth & Francis ®
Chamber of Commerce Rotterdam nr. 64416534
P.O. box 2421 | 3000 CK Rotterdam
+31 10 2613655

2 General

  1. These general Terms and Conditions apply to all items and every purchase made in our webshop.
  2. You agree to these terms if you accept them before buying something from us. Without agreeing terms you can not buy anything in our webshop. That is because we find it useful to know in advance what we can expect from each other.

3 What we offer you

  1. We make sure you get a clear description of all items we offer. You obviously have to be able to judge what the item exactly is. We show the clothing in the pictures just the way it is. We do not adjust the photos afterwards to make it look better. And the color of the items is like you see it on our website.
  2. If we expect something from you when you do a purchase we always let you know immediately. No surprises afterwards.
  3. If we have temporarily offer (a discount for example) we always indicate until when this offer is valid.

4 The agreement and your data

  1. The agreement starts when you agree to the terms and conditions and make the purchase.
  2. We confirm every purchase so that you can see everything is going well.
  3. We make sure your data are being handled in a confidential way. That is both your personal and your payment data.

5 You may withdraw your order

  1. You may cancel your order within 14 days after you have received it. No need to tell us why.
  2. If you do not want the article you still have to treat it gently. Otherwise you are responsible for the item losing some of it’s value. Unwrapping and trying it on is normal. Wearing it and going outside is not. Actually just the way you try something on when you buy it in a store.
  3. You do have to let us know that you want to cancel the order. Within 14 days. You may do so via telephone. But preferably written. That is why have placed a useful form on our website. Of course we confirm your message when we receive it.
  4. We expect from you to return the item as much as possible in the original state and packaging.
  5. Returning is at your expense.
  6. Once you let us know that you do not want the item you had ordered you have to send it back to us within 14 days.
  7. After withdrawal we pay you back what you paid us within 14 days.

6 Delivery

  1. We will have the order delivered at the address you entered in the order form on our website.
  2. You will recieve your order as soon as possible. But always within 30 days. In case of any delay we will let you know on time.
  3. If you do not receive your order within those 30 days you may cancel it.
  4. Once the items are delivered at the address you told us the responsibility for any damage or loss is yours.

7 The Price

  1. All prices on our website include V.A.T.
  2. We take care of the delivery costs within the countries you can select on our website.
  3. We do not charge you any payment costs.

8 Guarantees

  1. Our items must meet your reasonable expectations.
  2. If by accident there is anything wrong with the item you will receive a new one. If the item is out of stock en we do not produce it again, you may choose another item with the same price or you get your money back.
  3. If the item is broken because you have not used, washed or kept it in a normal way, you have no guarantee.

9 Complaints and Disputes

  1. Dutch law applies to our agreement.
  2. You must file complaints about our products or service as soon as possible.
  3. We answer to your complaint also within 14 days. If we will not be able to do so, we will let you know on time when you can expect our reaction.
  4. Mocht het echt zover komen dat we er samen niet uitkomen dan heeft u de mogelijkheid om, binnen 12 maanden na de datum waarop u de klacht bij ons heeft ingediend, de klacht voor te leggen aan de Geschillencommissie. If it really comes this far that we can not solve your complaint and come to a solution together, you can send your complaint within 12 months after you filed your complaint with us to the Online Dispute Resolution of the European Commission via https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/odr or directly with the Geschillencommissie Algemeen https://www.degeschillencommissie.nl/over-ons/commissies/algemeen/

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